Bow VS Bay Window. What Is the Difference?

Windows have a strong impact on the room's appearance. There are different types to choose from, bow and bay windows being popular choices

What Is a Bay Window?

A window that protrudes from the wall, with the inside forming a shell-like space.

Bay windows could compliment any room in the home and are typically found in living rooms or kitchens. A protruding niche could improve the appearance of a house or flat creating an open-space effect. Usually, it has three sides, but there are other variations. The most frequently found configurations are:

  • A trapezoid with three glass panels is the most basic class. With 30-degree corners, it is 12 to 14 inches deep, and 45-degree heightens the size up to 22 inches.
  • Square bay windows — they have two angles and are comparable to a balcony or sun porch
  • Triangular, which has Triangular, which has implemented in smaller places to look more proportionate
  • Oriel — a type with supportive elements such as cantilevers and brackets. Oriel is the most antique kind which was used since the medieval era.

These models are both beautiful and practical design solutions. They can be originally decorated and fit any style from retro to modern. Install them to manage the ventilation and lighten the space


What Is a Bow Window?

Generally like an oriel-style window but with slight variations. In a trapezoid construction, there is a picture frame in the middle and two smaller ones at the sides. Instead, a compass-designed system has two window-panes on both sides and an opening frame in the middle. With so many corners, it becomes arc-shaped.

A curved bow window usually has four to six panes of glass and provides a panoramic view to the outside. This type of structure is elegant and classic. The most famous example is the White Club's facade in London.

Professional Advice

Each type has its notable features. Window construction affects not only the appearance but the comfort and safety level of a property too.

Does the price vary?

Comparing bay windows vs bow windows, the latter costs about 15% more. This is related to manufacturing and installation difficulties. In big companies like Stanek and Oriel-windows, all the casement parts are custom-made, which increases the price. Another reason is that the first type can only be installed with a special roof formation to achieve the correct water sealing and wind protection.

What Is Their Purpose?

The most frequently used options are:
  • To widen the space visually.
  • To enhance the room's purpose. By creating space for furniture.
  • To create a relaxing space for leisure time.
You'll probably need planning permission to install a protruding construction in front of the residence.

Which One to Choose?

  • The first parameter is energy efficiency. To increase this use appropriate thermal insulation on the floor and walls.
  • If you need more ventilation, a bow system is a good choice. It is easily opened and cleaned for convenience.
  • Small apartments are likely to use boxed bay windows. They usually have a depth of 18 to 24 inches.
  • Choose the main colour according to the location of the house. If the area attracts a lot of sunshine, dark tones will suit.
  • Otherwise, light shades could be used. Classic effectsones that fit any interior are Oak, Cherry, and Walnut.
We have shown the main differences between these popular window shapes. They can be replaced and changed, or some outer components added. Ask our specialists to find a suitable product for both exterior and interior.